
There had been a spot-check at the cluster a moment ago. Yes. A moment ago. At 2 in the morning. I was sleeping when they knocked on the door. Hard.

Is it necessary to do a spot-check in the middle of the night? Okay, maybe that's the whole idea of a spot-check. Well, actually it started around midnight. Someone passed my room fussing about there's people in uniform in the cluster. So, my roommate investigated about it further. And turns out its true.

So, immediately, we started cleaning the room. Ha-ha. The window that has never been touched ever since we moved in is now squeaky clean. There's no more shirts hanging on the closet door. We cleaned up good. And hid the things that are not supposed to be here. And the electronic devices that we haven't registered and paid the bill for.

We have waited half an hour. They were still in another block, so we couldn't wait. And now I can't sleep. What can I do at 2 in the morning? I don't even have any assignment left to do. I've submitted them all.

Darn Campus Life.


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